Student Update - July 9, 2020

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Good afternoon everyone,

I hope this finds you safe and well.  Spring semester was a tough finish, but you did it.  Now, McLennan will be coming Together again, and we are looking forward to welcoming you back to campus in August.  We all desire this return, want this return, and need this return.  Our plan is to return in August in a way that is similar to what we have known in person.   The truth is that we are hopeful we will be together on campus then, but classes and services might look a little different.  More classes will be online or hybrid, and classes will be social distanced.  There will be hand sanitizers, and if you come to campus, you will be part of the solution to help everyone stay safe.  You will be wearing face coverings as you must do every day in our community.  We can do this together, and we will!

Phase 4 of our Return to Campus Plan will begin on July 13. This phase will bring some important changes to campus. We will have several locations on campus open, including the Enrollment Services Center, Academic Support and Tutoring (AST), and the Bookstore (in the Michaelis Academic Center).  We will continue to use many precautions and mitigation measures to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of students, employees, and visitors. One of our measures is the Safe Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic information for student. We have recently added What to Expect when Returning on the COVID-19 website. This page will provide students with valuable information about health and safety protocols we have planned for the Fall semester. Please continue to check out the College COVID-19 webpage. While we are taking the necessary health and safety precautions as a College, we understand that some students and employees will contract COVID-19. We have guidelines as to what to do, and all of us play a role in protecting the health of others and ourselves by following safe guidelines and policies.  Please help.

Through a student advisory group, we are also listening to your thoughts, and I want to continue to hear from you about your concerns and questions.   We know that most of you want to be back on campus—and in a safe way.   We will need your help to make this happen.   Together, we can do this!

The Emergency Operations team continues to monitor and discuss all new developments concerning the COVID-19 situation.  This is an extraordinary time, and TOGETHER we will continue to fulfill our mission to educate you – improving your lives and enriching our community.  For COVID-19 questions, you can email   Let’s do this!

Johnette McKown
McLennan Community College